When Peter Le sent me the cast list for the seventh season of “The Asiancy”, I was ecstatic to discover that Coda Filthy and I would be reunited and continue the shenanigans we started back in season 6. Joining us was a group of sexy performers including Jayden Ellis, Santiago Figueroa, Jessie Lee, Diego Vena, Ray Han, and newcomer Davey Anthony. With the cast assembled, I knew we were going to have a great weekend filming in San Diego.

My adventure to San Diego began with flight delays and so another round of #EliFlightAdventures continues. I seem to have the worst luck traveling on my own and the flight delay caused me to miss my connecting flight, but I managed to arrive in San Diego around 11PM. Most of the cast arrived earlier that afternoon and were already having cocktails when I walked into the house. Pouring myself a drink, I looked into the deck and noticed a hot tub… surrounded by snow. Liquid courage got us naked and into warm waters where we spent our first of many nightly shenanigans.
Stay tuned for more behind the scenes content from the seventh season of Peter Fever‘s “The Asiancy”!